Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog! This is my place to journal my ramblings, life events and crafts. Please feel free to leave a comment.

Friday, February 4, 2011

A New Project....

I have decided to try my hand at mixed media fiber arts. I have always, always loved lots of color and texture so I think this will be a good fit for me. Plus, with mixed media, perfect little stitches are not really "required" so my imperfections will not stick out like a sore thumb! I will post my progress as I go along, but I cannot ruin a surprise for a fellow blogger, so pics will have to wait until all is done and received. Typically I don't like suspense but this time I am on the "surprise-er" side and not the "surprise-ee"! Tee Hee!

1 comment:

Holly C. said...

Ohhhhhh-I can't wait to see!